
Review - Sold - by Blair Denholm

This is one of my favourite stories by an Australian - Sold, written by Blair Denholm.

My review:

Sold fits my warped sense of humour to a T. It's a noir crime thriller centred upon the hapless but resourceful Gary Braswell. He will gamble on anything, even which raindrop reaches the ground first, drinks like a thirsty fish, and this lands him in deep shit with his local bookie Jocko

You see, Gary owes him a bucket load of cash and has to pay it ... or else. But like any loan shark, Jocko has still more plans for Gary. They're the kind that don't include happy endings, if you know what I mean.

Luckily, Gary has a plan. But it soon lands him in one hell of a mess when he involves his best mate Foss, a Russian to whom he sells four luxury cars and a house, the Russian's wife, and his boss. That's before we even include the Federal Police and other unsavoury characters. I found it hard not to feel sorry for him, even if he does attract trouble like seagulls to a chip.

Sold kept me turning pages that led me deeper into an involved spaghetti of conflicts that the author Blair Denholm weaves like the master he is. And I predict it will keep you rapt and laughing until the final page.

It's well worth the five stars.

You can find it at Amazon or Kobo.

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