
Coming Soon in April

We're coming up to April, which is when I'm expecting my first baby to be born. I'd like to celebrate that with you.

Now I'm not saying when Baby's due date is, nor am I revealing the gender at this time. But I am making an offer with my ebook "Dead Cell" for you.

From now until my baby is born, "Dead Cell" will be available at Amazon and Smashwords for only USD$1.99! That's a savings of USD$5.99!

For those who came in late:

DEAD CELL is an action-packed paranormal thriller with suspense dripping from every page. The Queensland city of Statton's road toll has spiked to 85% of the state's average in just over a fortnight. People are dying at the wheel of their car in unexplainable ways: brain haemorrhage's, heart attacks, broken necks. But that is BEFORE the moment of impact. The authorities put it down to misadventure or accidental death, but what do they know?

When psychic investigator Craig Ramsey's adopted teenage daughter dies in one of these accidents, he learns something more sinister has hit the sleepy city of Statton. He has to find a way to work with sceptical Detective-Sergeant Brianna Cogan to investigate this serial killer from beyond the grave. Will he find the killer in time before he ends up a victim himself?

Please hurry! When my baby is born, this special offer will stop. Grab the saving while you can.

This special offer is available only through: Amazon and Smashwords.

Amazon US: https://www.amazon.com/Dead-Cell-Revenant-Chronicles-Book-ebook/dp/B01N08NM2Y
Amazon AUS: https://www.amazon.com.au/Dead-Cell-Revenant-Chronicles-Book-ebook/dp/B01N08NM2Y
Amazon UK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Dead-Cell-Revenant-Chronicles-Book-ebook/dp/B01N08NM2Y

Smashwords: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/679528

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